Pre and Post Natal Pilates
Strengthening the supportive muscles of the spine and pelvis with Pilates mat and apparatus exercises help with common symptoms such as low back and hip pain. Using selective exercises to specifically aid in the stability and mobility of the joints, and continual commitment to the core and the ever-changing posture, not only helps the momma-to-be feel better but even delivery and recovery can be assisted. (Client and instructor tested!)

This is Kimberly Spencer at 8 months pregnant with her second child in 2005. Challenge the core and work your arms!

Again, not all these exercises are suitable for all clients, but there are many ways to challenge your fitness, pregnant or not.

Conquering this lunge at any fitness level is very challenging but healthy new moms can accept this challenge!

This is Kimberly Spencer at 8 months pregnant with her second child in 2005. Challenge the core and work your arms!
As a mother of two, and with nearly 20 years of experience working with expectant mothers, I can assure there's an individualized program awaiting you! As an expectant mother, there are many exercises that are of utmost importance that may not be addressed in your current fitness program, to prevent many postnatal occurrences such as pelvic floor dysfunction, abdominal wall separation, and low back, pelvic, and hip pain.
Like any new exercise, but especially if you're expecting, please check with your doctor before starting Pilates. Private Pilates sessions are recommended both for pre and post natal Pilates, however, partner and group sessions may still be appropriate for many. Start Pilates training NOW if you plan on getting pregnant. If new to Pilates and pregnant, its recommended to wait after your 1st Trimester. However, if you are a in a healthy pregnancy, already active, and looking to add Pilates to support your lifestyle or current fitness program, the sooner the better!

"Kim worked with me to strengthen the muscles I needed to support my pregnancy and also the ones I needed for the actual delivery. She taught me how to use the right muscles to push. It took me over an hour to push for my first son. But this time my baby came out after only two pushes!! It was amazing. We also strengthened the right areas to avoid the worsening of the postpartum pelvic pain..." A.L.

Sometimes its about finding the right FOCUS for you. Click below to see what your options to get started.